Here is a list of items at Burger King with Burger King Nutrition Facts that we’d suggest at My Path Wellness in a Personal Training Program. Make sure to look at how we have items selected as these items needed to be modified to make most of them work. Usually that meant taking off the mayonnaise or taking off the American cheese. The great thing about Burger King was that there was an item on the kids menu that we saw that would be a good selection for kids. Again with the foods that we are suggesting here is to make good choices when you are in a pinch. This isn’t to be used on a daily basis as you will be missing out on much need nutrients and getting more sodium than you truly need. Take a look at this and give us any of your feedback, even share this with you friends on Facebook.

Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts
Learn to read Burger King Nutrition Facts to help with any diet and nutrition program.