Death, sickness, having our lives turned upside down, wearing face masks in public…
No one saw this global pandemic changing “normal” as we knew it.
None of those things are positive, and the havoc this virus has imposed on so many is purely devastating.
But there is another side to this.
A beautiful side.
One of the incredible things that has come out of the virus for many people is that they’ve begun desiring something different.
They’ve started to rethink how they’re living, how they’re doing business, and how they’re showing up in the world.
And they’ve realized that much more is available to them…
More love & connection, more opportunities to contribute & give back, more opportunities to earn money, and so much more…
We can’t always choose the things that happen to us, but we can choose how we think about and react to everything.
So, my friend, have you started thinking about what else is possible for you as a result of these crazy times? I’d love it if you’d share. 🙂